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【TED Talk】第二言語を学ぶべき4つの理由

外国語を学ぶべき理由は何なのでしょうか?今回はTED Talkで、外国語を学ぶべき4つの理由について話したスピーチを紹介します。言語学者が考える外国語を学ぶべき理由は意外なものばかりでした。


The language I'm speaking right now is on its way to becoming the world's universal language, for better or for worse. Let's face it, it's the language of the internet, it's the language of finance, it's the language of air traffic control, of popular music, diplomacy -- English is everywhere.

universal language – 世界共通言語
let’s face it
diplomacy – 外交

Now, Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more people, but more Chinese people are learning English than English speakers are learning Chinese. Last I heard, there are two dozen universities in China right now teaching all in English. English is taking over.

a dozen – 12

And in addition to that, it's been predicted that at the end of the century almost all of the languages that exist now -- there are about 6,000 -- will no longer be spoken. There will only be some hundreds left. And on top of that, it's at the point where instant translation of live speech is not only possible, but it gets better every year.

predict – 予期する
no longer – もはや~でない
instant – 即座の




Now, if that's the case, then why learn languages? If it isn't going to change the way you think, what would the other reasons be? There are some. One of them is that if you want to imbibe a culture, if you want to drink it in, if you want to become part of it, then whether or not the language channels the culture -- and that seems doubtful -- if you want to imbibe the culture, you have to control to some degree the language that the culture happens to be conducted in. There's no other way.

imbibe – 吸収する
drink in – 吸収する、味わう
doubtful – 疑わしい
there is no other way – 他の方法はない



To go into a culture and to only ever process people through that kind of skrim curtain is to never truly get the culture. And so to the extent that hundreds of languages will be left, one reason to learn themis because they are tickets to being able to participate in the culture of the people who speak them,just by virtue of the fact that it is their code. So that's one reason.


Second reason: it's been shown that if you speak two languages, dementia is less likely to set in, and that you are probably a better multitasker. And these are factors that set in early, and so that ought to give you some sense of when to give junior or juniorette lessons in another language. Bilingualism is healthy.

dementia – 認知症
mulititasker – 並行作業ができる人



And then, third -- languages are just an awful lot of fun. Much more fun than we're often told. So for example, Arabic: "kataba," he wrote, "yaktubu," he writes, she writes. "Uktub," write, in the imperative. What do those things have in common? All those things have in common the consonants sitting in the middle like pillars. They stay still, and the vowels dance around the consonants. Who wouldn't want to roll that around in their mouths? You can get that from Hebrew, you can get that from Ethiopia's main language, Amharic. That's fun.

awful – ひどい
imperative – 命令形
in common – 共通して
consonants – 子音
vowel – 母音




And more to the point, we live in an era when it's never been easier to teach yourself another language. It used to be that you had to go to a classroom, and there would be some diligent teacher -- some genius teacher in there -- but that person was only in there at certain times and you had to go then, and then was not most times. You had to go to class. If you didn't have that, you had something called a record. I cut my teeth on those. There was only so much data on a record, or a cassette, or even that antique object known as a CD. Other than that you had books that didn't work, that's just the way it was.

era – 時代
teach yourself – 独学する
diligent – 勤勉な



So I highly recommend that you teach yourself languages other than the one that I'm speaking,because there's never been a better time to do it. It's an awful lot of fun. It won't change your mind,but it will most certainly blow your mind.

highly – 強く
blow your mind – 圧倒する、驚かす



