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Reddit の AMA は、Ask Me Anything の略で、意味は「何でも聞いて」。今回見るAMAの回答者は、2016年時点で90歳だった男性。彼は第2次世界大戦中は海兵隊員であり、教師でもありました。激動の時代を生きた彼はAMAでどのような話をしてくれるのでしょうか?今回は彼が89歳のとき、90歳のときに行ったAMAで英語学習をします。


Does the fear of getting older lessen with age?


fear – 恐怖
lessen – 薄れる

What an interesting question, but it is one I have never thought about before. I think it is totally individual, depending on one's life condition.
However, your question causes me to ponder with such questions as one's outlook on life, religious conviction and a host of other factors.
 For me being around young people, changing my religious outlook to feel that I can make my own heaven (or hell) here on earth are all factors that have caused me to embrace getting older.


individual – 個々の
ponder – 熟考する
outlook – 見解、見通し
religious outlook – 宗教観
embrace – 抱きしめる


What is your biggest fear? Has it changed through the years?

Franklin Roosevelt was quite insightful when in the wartime situation he stated, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. I've seen too many people fail to get the most out of life because of the fear of failure of uncertainty of the unknown of catastrophes that may or may not occur. 
Yet, I fear, that financial uncertainty is something that has plagued me and a great many others for many years. Perhaps those of us who lived through the Great Depression came to this position firsthand. 
My friend Frank was quite insightful I feel when he's conjectured that he and I were fortunate in that we had enough money to get by on, but not enough money to worry about the importance of acquiring an excessive amount of it.


insightful – (頭が)キレる、洞察力ある
failure – 失敗
uncertainty – 不確実性
Great Depression – 世界恐慌
conjecture – 思う
get on by – 何とかやっていく


Since you have lived in quite a few places - what do you think makes some place a really good home? Is it building something with your partner, having family near, having the free culture of DC close by or does it not matter so much if you have rewarding work that you spend your time on?

Great question, and I only wish we had time to consider it in depth. I'd love that. But with hundreds of questions coming in immediately I'm told I should respond to as many as possible. 
I've loved every place I've lived in in America. San Antonio in the 40s was a great city (for white Anglos) large enough for culture but small enough to move around with public transportation. Five's cities across the country in the military gave me exposure to life across America. The Chicago area was great for college and a small town in Michigan let me establish myself in a profession with a family. Being a professional in Ann Arbor was wonderful, but a small industrial town in West Michigan provided me with the opportunity to truly make a difference in young people's lives. 
Being open to the culture of one's environment, having meaningful relationships with other people and family and satisfaction and adequate compensation in my work gave my life meaning wherever I was.


immediately – 即座に
respond – 回答する
public transportation – 公共の交通機関
establish – 築く
industrial – 工業の、産業の
meaningful – 意味のある
adequate – 十分な
compensation – 報酬


