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誰もが一度は見たことがあるYahoo!知恵袋。タメになる回答や面白い回答があるので、眺めていて面白いですよね。実は、知恵袋は英語版があるのです。それが、Yahoo Answers。今回は英語版知恵袋の回答を楽しみながら、英語学習を行いましょう。


Do you think the cute 25 year old singer Ariana Grande's outfits, hairstyle, babyface, and petite body make her look like she's only 14?
 Literally always looks like she's about to go to prom. Maybe not 14, but 17 for sure.

outfit – 服装
babyface – ベイビーフェイス
petite – 小柄な
literally – 文字通り
be about to – ~する直前


Do you like sweet potatoes?
Yes, and they are considered a superfood. Even bodybuilders like them because they increased testosterone. They are also Simple to cook, fairly easy to digest 
And calming Because they promote serotonin production I believe

superfood – スーパーフード、栄養価が特に高い食品
bodybuilder – ボディビルダー
testosterone – テストステロン
digest – 消化する
serotonin – セロトニン、幸せホルモン



What would you do if you walked outside and Donald Trump was asking you if he can stay at your place?
Tell him to get the F off my property and see if he can run fast enough to get away from my dog who doesn't like strangers.
There is not sufficient space in my home for the president and his secret service.

walk outside – 外を歩く
property – 土地
fast – 速く
stranger – 見知らぬ人


My Dog died on February 2, 2018. That was 4 months ago. She was only 8 years old. She had cancer. My mom came home from work and found her died on the bathroom floor. I still cry when I think about her. I am miserable and depressed. Any suggestions?

Update: I feel lost and like she is so far away from me. I miss her so much. She was my first lost and she was my first pet ever. Any suggestions on how to feel better?


I'm sorry for your loss. It's a hard thing to lose a pet, especially if you love them like I do. It really all depends on what things make you happy. Personally, I'd look for another dog at a shelter. Not to replace the other one, but to give it a loving home. Getting dogs out of a lonely place like a shelter, and giving them a better home and lots of love, makes me feel happy, because I feel the dog is happy now too. I know some people don't want to do that, because they feel like they are replacing their pets, though, so if you feel that way, find another thing to do that makes you happy. Going out with friends or something like that. You'll get better, but it's gonna suck for a while, if you were really attached to your dog.


cancer – がん
depressed – 落ち込んでいる
depend on – ~による
replace – 取り換える
go out – 遊ぶ


英語版知恵袋もまた、面白い回答があったり、深い回答があったりしましたね。そして、意外と英語学習にピッタリです。日常会話で使用される表現や参考書には載っていない単語を学べます。楽しみながら英語学習できるので、ぜひYahoo Answersも使用してみてください。
