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Q&A:How to survive this year’s scorching summer in Japan

Japan Times
July 20, 2018
この夏の灼熱地獄を生き延びるためには(ジャパンタイムズ 2018年7月20日)

– survive:生き残る、生き延びる。

– scorching:猛烈に暑い、焦げるほどに焼きつく

This year's heat wave is again lethal, having already killed over 30 people and sent more than 10,000 to hospitals since July 9 due to heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

– lethal:致命的な、殺人的な、死を招く。

– heat exhaustion:熱中症。

– heatstroke:熱射病。

-このセンテンス:分詞構文です。従属節が現在分詞ではじまっています。この分詞によって、接続詞+主語+動詞を表しているのです。このセンテンスの場合は、この夏の殺人的な暑さの結果を記述していますから、and it have をhaving1語にて表しています。そしてこのitは主節の主語this year’s heat waveを指しています。

The extreme weather continued to scorch Japan this week, with many cities seeing their highest-ever recorded temperatures.

– extreme weather:異常気象。

– with:このwithの先行詞はJapanです。

The mercury rose to as high as 40.7 degrees in the city of Tajimi in Gifu Prefecture on Wednesday.

– mercury:水銀柱、水銀温度計。

– as high as ~: ~の高さ。

Unfortunately we will have to continue to deal with this sweltering summer for at least the next week or two, and weather forecasts say the high heat will not go away anytime soon.

– deal with:困難な状況に対応する、この場合は耐え続けるといったニュアンスです。

– sweltering:暑さにうだっている、うだるほどの。

Here is a survival guide for the hot summers in Japan and other heat-related information.

– summers:複数形となっていて、日本の夏は今年に限らず、毎年ひどく暑いのですよということを伝えています。

What can I do to prevent heat-related illnesses?


– heat-related illnesses:この表現も熱中症です。

The number one countermeasure is to avoid sudden exposure to extremely high temperatures.

– countermeasure:対応策。

– exposure:露出する、さらす。

According to the Environment Ministry, heat-related illnesses are caused by the failure of bodily functions meant to have a cooling effect because of reduced sweating and blood flow.

– the Environment Ministry:環境省。

– bodily function:身体内の組織的作用。

The early signs of heat-related illness include dizziness, a flushed face, aching and cramping muscles, and nausea.

– dizziness:めまい。

– aching:痛み。

– cramping:痙攣。

– nausea:吐き気。

The disease can lead to even more serious symptoms such as disorientation and coma.

– symptoms:症状。

– disorientation:方向感覚麻痺。

– coma:昏睡。

The ministry recommends wearing light, cool clothes and staying in the shade when going outside. 

It also urges people to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water and consuming sodium.

– urge:促す、強調する、主張する。

– hydrated:水分が十分な状態。

– sodium:ナトリウム、塩分。

In case of dehydration, oral rehydration therapy or treatments consisting of a solution based on salt and sugar taken orally can be useful as an emergency cure.

– dehydration:脱水症状。

– oral rehydration therapy:経口補水療法。

– solution:溶液。

– このセンテンス:主語が長くすこしわかりづらいです。主語の部分を直訳しますと、「経口摂取できる塩や砂糖を含んだ溶液よりなる経口補水液療法、治療」となります。

If such a solution cannot be found at a convenience store, it can be made at home from a liter of clean water, six teaspoons of sugar and a half teaspoon of salt, according to the Japan Committee for UNICEF.

Drinking cold barley tea, a popular summer flavor in Japan, is also believed to be effective for rehydration because it helps to top up minerals lost in sweat, according to the weather forecasting website tenki.jp, which is run by the Japan Weather Association.

– barley:大麦。日本語ではおおざっぱに麦と表現することが多いのですが、英語では、小麦wheatと大麦barleyはしっかりと区別する必要があります。

– rehydration:再水和、水分補給。

– top up:補給する。

How can I learn about the risks of heat-related illnesses?


The Environment Ministry's website for heat-related illness prevention (http://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/en/) shows an hourly updated heat stress index by region.

– heat stress index:暑さ指数。

The heat stress level is measured by the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature index, which indicates the risk of heat-related maladies based on factors such as temperature, humidity, wind and infrared radiation. A WBGT above 28 degrees significantly increases the risk of exhaustion or heatstroke.

– the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature index:WBGT指標、湿球黒球温度。

– maladies:病気、疾病。

– infrared radiation:赤外線、赤外放射。

– significantly:重大に。

The WBGT index in Tokyo at 2 p.m. Friday was 32.5 degrees, a level at which any kind of exercise should be prohibited.

When will this extreme heat go away?


Weather forecasts say the scorching heat will continue for at least the remainder of this month.

– remainder:残る、残存。

The Japan Meteorological Agency forecasts that temperatures everywhere in Japan except for Okinawa Prefecture and the Amami islands in Kagoshima Prefecture will continue to be higher than usual until the beginning of August. 

The agency forecasts that the heat will ease to the level of a usual summer, or a little higher, from Aug. 4 to 17.

But Weathernews Inc. predicts the extreme weather will return in late August to early September, due to the arrival of two anticyclones - the Pacific and the Tibetan - over Japan's main island.

– predict:予言する、予報する。

– anticyclone:高気圧。

What else should I know about this year’s hot summer?


According to Weathernews, the seven-day moving average lowest temperature in Tokyo in August has risen by 2.7 degrees since a century ago, while the moving average highest temperature during the month has also increased by 1.5 degrees.

The Chiba-based weather information company says the rising temperature can be attributed to the heat island effect, in which the temperature in urban areas covered with concrete increases due to a lack of cooling provided by trees and plants, as well as heat released by human activities and machines.

– attribute: ~に帰する、~によるもの。

Meanwhile, increased usage of air conditioners on Wednesday forced Kansai Electric Power Co. to buy 1 million kilowatts of electricity from other domestic power companies to meet the high demand seen in the region from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The unusual heat has also hit popular summer high school baseball tournaments across the nation. 

On Thursday, 34 teenagers in Kumamoto Prefecture, mostly high school students who were cheering for their schools at a baseball stadium, were sent to hospital after complaining of symptoms of heat exhaustion.


