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空想上の生物と考えられているヴァンパイアですが、今回イタリアでヴァンパイアの少年と思われる遺骨が発見されたのです。その証拠は口に入れられた石!? 冷静に考えると少年のことが可哀想に思えてしまいますが、古代にはヴァンパイアと疑われた人物の口に石を入れる習慣があったようです。今回はDaily Mailの英語記事を見ていきましょう。本文はこちらから。


The grave of a 'vampire child' buried more than 2,000 years ago has been excavated by stunned archaeologists who found the body had been weighed down, over fears it would rise from the dead.

grave – 墓地
bury – 埋葬する
excavate – 掘り返す
stun – ひどく驚かせる
archaeologist – 考古学者
over fears – 恐怖を乗り越えて

Evidence of a ritualistic burial was found deep underground when a team in Rome, Italy, dug up the remains of a child aged 10, which had a stone placed in its mouth.

evidence – 証拠
burial – 埋葬
dig up – 掘り起こす
remains – 遺体

The ancient funeral practice took place when people feared the person would rise from the dead and infect people, experts revealed.

However, tests on the skeleton - now known as the  'Vampire of Lugnano' - revealed the child whose sex cannot be determined was infected with malaria at the time it died, the Independent reported.   

reveal – 明らかにする
determine – 判断する
infect – 感染する
malaria – マラリア

'I've never seen anything like it. It's extremely eerie and weird,' said Professor David Soren, an archaeologist at the University of Arizona said.

extremely – とても
eerie – 気味の悪い、不気味な
weird – 奇妙な



Those present at the site said the stone was forced inside the jaw, showing it was put there with intent. 

jaw – あご
intent – 意図、故意

The remains were found in the Cemetery of Children where other bizarre discoveries have been made.

bizarre – 奇妙な
discovery – 発見

Elsewhere another child, believed to be aged three at the time of death, was covered in stones. 

Tests have so far discovered the body was likely to have been buried in the fifth century at the time of a malaria outbreak.

outbreak – 発生、大流行

Teams investigating burials have found what they believe is evidence of witchcraft.

witchcraft – 魔法、魔術

It is believed to be a 'deviant burial', where people considered the 'dangerous dead', such as vampires, were interred to prevent them rising from their graves to plague the living.

deviant – 常軌を逸した
inter – 埋葬する
prevent from – ~が・・・するのを防ぐ
plague – 災いを起こす

Only a handful of such burials have been unearthed in the UK. 

handful – わずかな
unearth – 掘り起こす

In Bulgaria in 2012 archaeologists found remains from a third grave in central Bulgaria linked to the practice.

The skeleton was tied to the ground with four iron clamps, while burning embers were placed on top of his grave.

iron clamps – 鉄の留め具
ember – 燃えさし

The bones of a man in his thirties were believed to be at least several centuries old, and experts believed he had been subjected to a superstition-driven ritual to prevent him from becoming one after his death.

superstition – 迷信に基づく習慣

Two years later further such gruesome graves were found at the ancient temple of Perperion, south-east of the Bulgarian capital Sofia.

ancient – 古代の
temple – 寺院



