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クリスマスの時期になると、イギリスのエリザベス女王がクリスマスメッセージを発表するのが慣例です。2018年、エリザベス女王は何を語ったのでしょうか?今回はDaily Mailの英語記事を見ていきましょう。記事はこちらから。


The Queen has used her Christmas message to urge a nation divided by Brexit to reconcile, but also added a personal touch by admitting it has been a 'busy year' for her and her family. 

urge - 促す
nation - 国家
divide - 対立させる
Brexit - 英国がEUを脱退すること
admit - 認める
Sitting at her desk in the White Drawing Room at Buckingham Palace, the Queen reflected on a year which has seen two of her grandchildren - Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie - get married, and two others - Prince William and Zara Tindall - welcome new babies. 

drawing room - 応接間
palace - 宮殿
reflect - 思いめぐらす
welcome - 歓迎する
Prince Harry is also expecting his first child with Meghan Markle next Spring, and the Queen joked that her role as a grandmother and great-grandmother kept her 'well occupied' throughout 2018.

expect - 見込む
joke - 冗談を言う
role - 役目
great grandmother - 曾祖母
occupy - 占める



As head of state, the Queen remains publicly neutral when it comes to political matters and does not express her views on issues. 

remain - とどまる
publicly - 公に
neutral - 中立の
political - 政治の
matter - 問題
express - 発言する
But the 92-year-old Monarch appeared to strongly allude to the tense and bitter political atmosphere that surrounds contentious issues such as Brexit, by urging that 'even with the most deeply held differences, treating the other person with respect and as a fellow human being is always a good first step towards greater understanding'. 

monarch - 君主
allude - それとなく言う
atmosphere - 雰囲気
contentious - 議論好きな
treat - 扱う
fellow - 仲間
Speaking about the birth of Jesus and the Christmas story, she said: 'I believe his message of peace on Earth and goodwill to all is never out of date. It can be heeded by everyone; it's needed as much as ever.'   

out of date - 時代遅れの
heed - 心にとどめる
She also highlighted the darker side of life, how religious faith, which can lead people to do good in the service of others, can also bitterly divide them. 

religious - 宗教の
faith - 信仰
lead - 導く
She said: 'Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom. I'd like to think so.

wisdom - 叡智
'Perhaps part of that wisdom is to recognise some of life's baffling paradoxes, such as the way human beings have a huge propensity for good, and yet a capacity for evil.

baffling- 複雑な
paradox - パラドックス
propensity - 傾向
capacity - 容量
evil - 悪
'Even the power of faith, which frequently inspires great generosity and self-sacrifice, can fall victim to tribalism.'



