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My father passed away last year. One item he always said he wanted me to have was a shotgun which had originally belonged to his grandfather. For years he had this shotgun stashed in the attic. After he passed, I had gone in the attic to look for it, only to find that it wasn't there.

pass away - 亡くなる
originally - もともと
belong to - ~に属する
attic - 屋根裏
look for - ~を探す

A few months later, I had a dream in which I was talking to him and I asked him where he had put the shotgun. He told me it was in the closet of a spare bedroom. I called my mother and had her check, and sure enough that's where it was.

sure enough - 案の定

Now it's completely possible that my father had told me that when he was alive, and the dream was little more than a memory, but I certainly don't recall that being the case.

completely - 全く、十分に
alive - 生きている
recall - 思い出す



Not me but my dad. When he was younger, he used to see a woman in a white nightdress holding a candelabra walking along the hallway at his old house. No one ever believed him but he thought it was his grandmother.

nightdress - ナイトドレス
candelabra - 燭台
hallway - 廊下

Fast forward 20+ years and he's talking to someone he works with. This girl says she used to see a woman in a white nightdress holding a candelabra in her old house. My dad asks where she used to live and it was his old house.


spooky - 不気味



About ten years ago I was walking one night with my sister. We were passing a familiar point on the road when suddenly we both found ourselves about 200 meters back the way we had just come, approaching the familiar point for the second time. She turned to me and said "what just happened?" We both experienced exactly the same thing - like we had just been pulled back twenty seconds in time - and neither of us could explain it. No spooky g-g-ghosts, but a lasting feeling of something deeply unnatural having happened.

pass - 通り過ぎる
familiar - 見覚えのある、よく知った
approach - 近づく
pull back - 引き戻す
experience - 経験する
explain - 説明する
neither - どちらも~ない
deeply - 強く、深く
unnatural - 不自然な、異常な



