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国連が発表した報告書が世界に衝撃を与えました。なんと人類史上最も速いスピードで動植物は絶滅しており、100万種類以上が絶滅の危機にさらされているというのです。原因は様々ですが、やはり人間活動が大きな影響を与えているよう。我々はどうすればいいのでしょうか?今回はDaily Mailの英語記事を見ていきます。本記事はこちらから。


Nature is in more trouble now than at any time in human history with extinction looming over one million species of plants and animals, experts say.

be in trouble – トラブル状態で、困難な
human history – 人類の歴史
extinct – 絶滅する
loom over – 漂う
species – 種

That's the key finding of the United Nations' (UN) first comprehensive report on biodiversity - the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat.

United Nations(UN) – 国連
comprehensive – 包括的な
biodiversity – 生物多様性

Today's report says species are being lost at a rate tens or hundreds of times faster than in the past. 

in the past – 過去に

Many of the worst effects can be prevented by changing the way we grow food, produce energy, deal with climate change and dispose of waste, the report said.

effect – 影響
prevent – 避ける
change the way – 方法を返る
produce energy – エネルギーを作る
deal with – 対処する
dispose of waste – ごみを処理する

That involves concerted action by governments, companies and people. 


Individuals can help with simple changes to the way they eat and use energy, said the co-chairman of the report, ecological scientist Josef Settele of the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Germany. 

individuals – 個々人
chairman – 議長、議長
ecological – 生態学の

That doesn't mean becoming a vegetarian or vegan, but balancing meat, vegetables and fruit, and walking and biking more, Sir Robert said.

'We can actually feed all the coming billions of people without destroying another inch of nature,' Professor Lovejoy added. 
Lovejoy 教授は次のように言う。「我々は他の動植物を破壊することなく、何十億という人々に食料を与えられる」

feed – 食物を与える
destroy – 破壊する

Much of that can be done by eliminating food waste and being more efficient, he said.

eliminate – 削減する
food waste – 食料ロス
efficient – 効率的な

The findings are not just about saving plants and animals, but about preserving a world that's becoming harder for humans to live in, said Sir Robert Watson, a former top NASA and British scientist who headed the report.

'We are indeed threatening the potential food security, water security, human health and social fabric' of humanity, Sir Robert told The Associated Press. 

threat – 脅かす
food security – 食料保障
social fabric – 社会組織
humanity – 人間らしさ

He said the poor in less developed countries bear the greatest burden.

bear a burden – 重荷を担う

Fighting climate change and saving species are equally important, the report said, and working on both environmental problems should go hand-in-hand. 

Both problems exacerbate each other because a warmer world means fewer species, and a less biodiverse world means fewer trees and plants to remove heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the air, Professor Lovejoy said.

exacerbate – 悪化させる


