

現在多くの方が悩まされるのがテックネック。スマホやパソコンを悪い姿勢ですることで、背中や腰に痛みが生じる症状のことです。世界中で多くの方がテックネックに悩まされており、あなたも知らない間にテックネックになっているかもしれません。今回はDaily Mailの”Millennials are turning into HUNCHBACKS because they spend so much time on their phones, warn experts”で英語学習をしましょう。


Millennials are suffering from 'tech neck' due to slumping over mobile phones, an expert has warned. 
This painful and increasingly common condition means the neck loses its natural curve, which unbalances the upper body. 


millennial – 2000年代に成人もしくは社会人になる世代
suffer from – ~に悩まされる
warn – 警告する
painful – 痛い
common – 一般的な
neck – 首
curve – 曲線
upper body – 上半身


Smart phones, tablets and other personal devices are to blame, with today's 20-year-olds suffering from backs as bad as people double their age.
The 'epidemic' has created a generation of hunchbacks with many in denial that their beloved phones are the source of the problem, chiropractors say.

【訳】原因はスマートフォン、タブレット、そして他の電子機器だ。現在の20代は40代の人々と 同じぐらい背中に問題を抱えている。カイロプラクターが言うには、スマートフォンの使用が原因だが、ミレニアル世代は愛するスマホが健康問題の悪化につながるという事実に否定的だそうだ。

be to blame – ~のせいである、~の責任である
generation – 世代
hunchback – 背中の曲湾
denial – 否定的な
chiropractor – カイロプラクター

'We're seeing it in younger and younger children because they're getting their phones at a younger age,' said Dr. Brian Wallace, a chiropractor based in Bernardsville, New Jersey.
'It's one of the most common things we see', he said.


base in – ~に拠点を置く

As people's posture gets worse their upper back muscles stretch out and the neck creeps forward.
This makes their head weigh at least ten pounds more than it should, writes the New York Post.


posture – 姿勢
upper back – 上背
creep – 這う
weight – 重量


This causes structural back problems as well as breathing problems in extreme cases.
Dr Wallace said that the rolled-forward position means young people are unable to breathe properly. 


structural – 構造上の
as well as – ~と同様に
extreme case – 極端な場合
be unable to – ~できない
breath – 呼吸する

This increases their anxiety levels and makes them more susceptible to medical conditions such as asthma.
People with persistent back pain often learn to avoid activity and find everyday movements such as bending, lifting and twisting very difficult.
Very quickly the complex nerve connections from the brain to the muscles of the back become redundant, making these activities more difficult.


anxiety level – 不安度
asthma – 喘息
persistent – 頑固な
back pain – 背中の痛み、腰痛
avoid – ~を避ける
complex – 複雑な
redundant – 余剰な

According to chiropractor Dr Christian Kang, who has a practice in New York City: 'Now, 20-year-olds have the spine health of a 30- or 40-year-old. It's an epidemic'.
What's more, experts say that young people are in denial about the fact their mobile devices are detrimental to their condition. 


according to – ~によると
spine – 背骨
detrimental – 悪影響な、有害な


