

今回はDaily Mailの”Wild horses are EXTINCT: Domesticated breeds are now the only ones to survive on the planet, according to shock DNA study”で英語学習を行いましょう。


The last 'wild' horses is the world are not truly wild, according to a shock DNA study.
Przewalski's horses, a breed thought to be the last 'wild' species, are the descendants of escaped once-domesticated animals.
The research turns the mysterious origin of domesticated horses 'upside down', experts claim. 

DNA 調査の結果、すでに世界には野生の馬が存在しないというショッキングな事実が判明しました。これまでプシバルスキー馬は現存する最古の野生の馬だと考えられていました。しかし研究で、 このミステリアスな馬は野生の馬ではなく、元々飼いならされていた馬だと判明したのです。

according to – ~によると
study – 研究
breed – 品種
descendant – 子孫
domesticate – 飼いならす
origin – 起源
upside down – ひっくり返す


Przewalski's horses now number roughly 2,000 in Mongolia. 
But researchers this week upended that theory on an examination of the genomes of dozens of ancient and modern horses.
'Our findings literally turn current population models of horse origins upside-down,' said Professor Ludovic Orlando, a molecular archaeologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research who led the study. 


mongolia – モンゴル
theory – 仮説
genome – ゲノム
ancient – 古代の
modern – 現在の
finding – 発見
literally – 文字通り
population – 人口
archaeologist – 考古学者

Their study claims that Przewalski's horse, saved from extinction in the 20th century, descended from horses domesticated in northern Kazakhstan some 5,500 years ago by people in what is called the Botai culture.
This suggests all wild horses are now extinct.  
The research showed that the Botai culture offers the earliest-known evidence for horse domestication, but that their horses were not the ancestors of modern domesticated breeds.
'The world lost truly wild horses perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of years ago, but we are only just now learning this fact, with the results of this research,' said University of Kansas zooarchaeologist Sandra Olsen, one of the researchers.
The history of people and horses has been intertwined for millennia.


claim – 主張する
extinction – 絶滅
known – 知られた
evidence – 証拠
intertwine – すり合わせる


'Horse domestication was a critical innovation,' said archaeologist Alan Outram of the University of Exeter, who helped lead the study.
'Horse riding was the fastest form of transport for thousands of years, from the Copper Age over 5,000 years ago until the steam train. 
'Even then it was really only the motor car that replaced it on a wide scale. Horses revolutionized human mobility, trade and modes of warfare,' Outram added.
Przewalski's horse, named for a Russian who described them in the 19th century, is relatively small and stocky. 
Like horses depicted in prehistoric cave paintings, it is dun-colored with a dark erect mane. 


innovation – 革新
transport – 運送
replace – 取り替わる
warfare – 戦い,戦争
relatively – 比較的
depict – 描く
prehistoric – 先史の
cave – 洞窟
erect – 垂直な


